There's usually a difference in the level of service you get from a $25 dinner versus a $250 dinner, so it makes sense to base the tip on the tab. At the slots, however, there's not much difference between the service you get from a $1,200 handpay versus a $4,000 handpay. On a $9,560 jackpot, I think a tip of $100 to $200 is fine. Jackpots for all. 6 Slots Tips and Tricks to Help You Win at Casino Slots. Everyone knows there are a number of casino tips and tricks to help gamblers have a fighting chance at beating the house –for example, blackjack players are able to learn basic strategy using tables while poker players can master the art of bluffing. Booking a slot Online. Step One: Log on to your local council or local authority’s website. Step Two: Navigate to the relevant section of the website, if you are unsure look for the search box on the page and type in “Book a Tip slot” Step Three: Create a Profile. You may have to Sign in or Create a Profile to access this service, if you. Jun 10, 2020 The tip website says “free - pick a time, click to book” and all slots are taken. 'I am sure there will be stacks of people in the same position. I know these are unprecedented times but the. We interviewed some frequent slot players and casino workers. We got these inside tips on how to increase your chances of winning. You won't want to miss thi.
All visitors will have to pre-book a slot and follow a number of restrictions and guidelines to ensure that social distancing is observed. Anyone who hasn’t booked a slot will be turned away. Please display your ID showing your address to match the booking (e.g. valid driving licence with correct address / utility bill/ council tax bill) in the windscreen for staff to view and verify the booking. This information is also required by PCC to support the NHS wales, Test, Trace, Protect service in controlling the spread of Covid-19
This is to make sure that the facilities are used in a safe manner for staff and the public while remaining fair for all households in Pembrokeshire.
Initially the first two weeks of slots will be opened and this will continue on a two-weekly rolling basis.
1. Do not visit a WRC if you or anyone in your household has COVID 19 symptoms or if you have been directed to isolate by the NHS Wales Test Trace Protect team – you will not be permitted on site.
2. Anyone shielding must not put themselves at risk by visiting the WRCs. The same applies to other vulnerable people.
3. WRCs will be open to Pembrokeshire householders and commercial/ business users ONLY.
4. Users of the Waste and Recycling Centre will be required to select if they are bringing household waste or commercial/ business waste to the WRC when making their booking.
5. There are vehicle restrictions surrounding the WRC, guidance can be found below.
6. Household waste users will also be required to select what type of slot they require when making a booking; this is based on the type of vehicle, if a trailer is used or if the vehicle has commercial signage.
Option 1 – Car or small van – All vehicles must be without commercial signage and not have trailers. For clarity this includes estates, 4x4, SUV, people carriers, pick ups and car type van with rear side windows and a second row of seats, this also includes disabled adapted vehicles.
These slots will be 15 mins long and there is a limit of 3 visits every 7 day period. These 3 visits can be made all in one day if needed.
Option 2 - Any option 1 type vehicle with a trailer (up to 2.44 metres or 8ft bed length regardless of the number of axles) or Large/ panelled vans or Light Good Vehicles (LGV) 3.5 tonnes or under including flat beds, tippers, drop sides, box vans and caged vehicles. All without commercial signage. Customers will be limited to 12 slots every 12 months for option 2 or 3 types of vehicles – this will be checked against the property and vehicle registration. These slots will be 30 mins long.
Option 3 –3.5 tonne or under vehicle with commercial signage with or without a trailer (up to 2.44 metres or 8ft bed length regardless of the number of axles). Customers will be limited to 12 slots every 12 months for option 2 or 3 types of vehicles. These slots will be 30 mins long. Waste must be from a domestic household.
The limit surrounding the number of slots for option 2 or 3 for household waste i.e. 12 slots per 12 months has been introduced to ensure that domestic users have sufficient capacity to deal with normal household waste requirements but limit abuse by those seeking to pass off commercial waste as domestic. The users can use these 12 slots as they wish, i.e. once a month or use all within 3 months, but only 12 slots will be allowed within a calendar year.
There is no annual limit on the use of the option 1 vehicles – excluding point 11. Commercial usage is also not included in this restriction however there is an increased range of charges associated with commercial usage.
7. There are charges associated with the disposal of some materials for householders above the free of charge allowance and commercial users will be charged for all waste except a range of recyclables. Card payment facilities are now available at all sites and no cash or cheque payments will be accepted. Payments must be paid at the time of disposal. For more information on the charges please visit: What can I take to the Centres?
8. Our Waste and Recycling Centres are not intended for the disposal of large amounts of construction and demolition waste, from either businesses or significant home DIY renovation works. Large quantities of materials will not be accepted and you are recommended to use a licensed skip/waste contractor. However, small quantities of building and construction waste from small scale DIY projects carried out by members of the public to their own properties will be accepted free of charge, charges are payable when the free of charge household allowance is exceeded (see link above).
9. Only users with a pre-booked a slot will be permitted on site. Anyone who hasn’t booked a slot will be turned away. Users also need to ensure they have booked the correct slot or they will not be permitted to enter the site, i.e. a householder with a car and trailer will need to book option 2 if the car has no commercial signage or option 3 if the vehicle has commercial signage.
10. Pembrokeshire householders and commercial users can book a slot, if one is available, up until 4pm the day before.
11. There are no booking restrictions for a commercial / business user. They can book as many times as they require. Householders can book 3 times in 7 days. We are looking to reduce this restriction as quickly as possible, however this is currently in place to allow as many users as possible safe essential access to the site to dispose of any waste which has been stockpiled during the lockdown period.
12. There will be a strict allocated 15 or 30 min slot per vehicle to dispose of items in the correct containers. Therefore please sort all waste and recycling into the different material types before arriving at the site to help keep your visit short – layout maps for each WRC can be found at
13. Vehicles should arrive no more than 15 minutes before their booked time slot (to avoid traffic queues on the highway).
14. Please display your ID showing your address to match the booking (e.g. valid driving licence with correct address / utility bill/ council tax bill) in the windscreen for staff to view and verify the booking. For commercial/ business users this will need to relate to the business the slot is booked for. This information is also required by PCC to support the NHS wales, Test, Trace, Protect service in controlling the spread of Covid-19.
15. Commercial/ business users are reminded they are required to hold the relevant waste carrier licence from Natural Resources Wales in order to transport waste. Please be aware a WRC operative can and may ask to see evidence of this on site. We have the right to refuse entry to any businesses without a valid waste carriers licence. More information on Waste Carrier Licences is available through Natural Resources Wales
16. A maximum of number vehicles will be allowed on a site at any one time (staff will monitor this). This number will be kept under review.
17. Only ONE person may exit the vehicle to unload the waste and recycling, except in the instance of a bulky and heavy item where TWO people from the same household will be allowed to exit the vehicle at designated points as directed by staff to safety unload the item i.e. white goods, large furniture, such as sofas etc. Staff are unable to help unload or carry any items, therefore householders need to ensure that they are able to safely unload items from the vehicle and place them in the correct container.
18. Strict social distancing rules will be in place at all times. All users must observe two-metre social distancing on the site and only one user will be able to access each skip or container at a time, except in the instance outlined in point 17.
19. Only bring items that can’t be stored safely at home or cannot be collected through your kerbside waste and recycling collections or trade waste collection service.
20. We are unable to accept tyres at this moment in time, due to the current closure of the recycling companies company, as a result of COVID-19. Please store these items at home safely until this service resumes.
21. Remember to wash your hands thoroughly before and after visiting the site.
22. Please be patient and follow instructions on site. For the benefit and welfare of everyone, any users not following instructions or abusive to staff will be instructed to leave the site and further action taken if necessary.
A plan of each Waste and Recycling Centre in Pembrokeshire has been produced to help households sort their waste and recycling in advance of their booked visit to site.
What do I do whilst on site?
What is a waste carrier licence?
How do I change or cancel my booking?
1. Why did Waste and Recycling Centres (WRCs) close?
Our Waste and Recycling Centres were closed on the 24th March in accordance with Government Guidelines to “Stay at Home”, as visits to these facilities were not deemed to be an essential reason for travel.
2. Why have WRCs now opened?
On 8th May the First Minister of Welsh Government announced that he “proposed changing the regulations to allow local authorities to begin planning how to safely reopen… recycling centres”.
These regulations have now been changed and the Waste and Recycling Centres are able to open in a safe manner, for staff and the public, whilst ensuring social distancing guidelines are adhered to.
Pembrokeshire County Council have undertaken this on a phased basis over the last month, phase one was for households with a number of restrictions including the size of the vehicle and phase two is for larger vehicles, trailers and commercial/business waste.
3. Who can use the WRCs?
Phase one of the reopening of Waste and Recycling Centres meant Pembrokeshire householders were able to use the WRC’s using cars and small vans. Phase two of the reopening has now commenced and households using larger vehicles or vehicles with trailers and commercial users are now able to book slots for all sites across Pembrokeshire from 30th June. Only those with pre booked slots will be able to access the WRC’s. .
You should only go if it is essential. This means that you can only bring items that can’t be stored safely at home or cannot be collected through your kerbside waste and recycling scheme for household or trade waste.
4. A person in my house has symptoms of Covid 19 or I have been asked to isolate can I still go to a Waste & Recycling Centre?
No, do not visit one of your WRC’s if you or anyone in your household has symptoms or is shielding from Covid -19 or if you have been directed to isolate by the NHS Wales Test, Trace, Protect team
5. What is the difference between Household Waste and Commercial Waste?
Users of the Waste and Recycling Centre will be required to select if they are bringing household waste or commercial/ business waste to the WRC when making their booking.
6. How do Pembrokeshire Households book a slot?
The booking system is now live and slots can be booked online at or via the contact centre for those without access to the internet (01437 764551)
Slots are released on a two-week rolling basis, and slots can be booked up to 4pm the day before, where slots are available.
Once you have selected household waste, users will then need to select how the household waste will be brought to site i.e. which type of vehicle.
Please note disposal charges may apply for some waste types please see FAQ 20 for more information.
Option 1 – Car or small van – All vehicles must be without commercial signage and not have trailers. For clarity this includes estates, 4x4, SUV, people carriers, pick ups and car type van with rear side windows and a second row of seats, this also includes disabled adapted vehicles.
These slots will be 15 mins long and there is a limit of 3 visits every 7 day period. These 3 visits can be made all in one day if needed.
Option 2 - Any option 1 type vehicle with a trailer (up to 2.44 metres or 8ft bed length regardless of the number of axles) or Large/ panelled vans or Light Good Vehicles (LGV) 3.5 tonnes or under including flat beds, tippers, drop sides, box vans and caged vehicles. All without commercial signage. Customers will be limited to 12 slots every 12 months for option 2 or 3 types of vehicles – this will be checked against the property and vehicle registration. These slots will be 30 mins long.
Option 3 – Any vehicle with commercial signage with or without a trailer (up to 2.44 metres or 8ft bed length regardless of the number of axles). Customers will be limited to 12 slots every 12 months for option 2 or 3 types of vehicles. These slots will be 30 mins long. Waste must be from a domestic household.
Pembrokeshire households are required to select the WRC they wish to visit, date and time for the slot and option 2 and 3 slots commence from the 30th June. Please be patient during this time, as we have limited slots available.
Currently only THREE visit per household to any site is allowed within a 7-day period to enable more users to access the facilities. We are looking to reduce this restriction as quickly as possible, however this is currently in place to allow as many users as possible safe essential access to the site to dispose of any waste which has been stockpiled during the lockdown period.
Households will be required to provide name, address, vehicle registration and contact details and agree to a number of conditions during the booking process.
Option 1 slots will be 15 mins long and option 2/3 slots are 30 mins long per vehicle. Please sort all waste and recycling into the different material types before arriving at the site, so you can dispose of items in the correct containers and keep your visit to within the timescale allowed. Layout maps for each site are available on the website.
Vehicles should arrive no more than 15 minutes before their booked time slot (to avoid traffic queues on the highway).
7. Why is there an annual limit on the number of option 2 and option 3 slots for households?
The limit surrounding the number of slots for option 2 or 3 for household waste i.e. 12 slots per 12 months has been introduced to ensure that domestic users have sufficient capacity to deal with normal household waste requirements but limit abuse by those seeking to pass off commercial waste as domestic. The users can use these 12 slots as they wish, i.e. once a month or use all within 3 months, but only 12 slots will be allowed within a calendar year. This limit is in line with many Local Authorities across Wales including Carmarthenshire and Swansea.
There is no annual limit on the use of the option 1 vehicles.
8. What happens if I use all my option 2 or 3 slots before the 12 months?
Pembrokeshire households can use these 12 slots as they wish, i.e. once a month or use all within 3 months, but only 12 slots will be allowed every 12 months. This limit is in line with many Local Authorities across Wales including Carmarthenshire and Swansea. You will not be able to visit more than 12 time a year for these type of slots and this is checked by household address and by vehicle registration.
However there is no limit on the number of slots for option 1 vehicle’s e.g. car, small van, 4x4, SUV, people carrier etc when not using a trailer. Commercial usage is also not included in this restriction however there is an increased range of charges associated with commercial usage.
9. How do I book a slot for Business/ Commercial waste?
The booking system is now live, slots commence on the 30th June and can be booked online at or via the contact centre for those without access to the internet (01437 764551)
Slots are released on a two-week rolling basis, and slots can be booked up to 4pm the day before, where slots are available.
Pembrokeshire businesses are required to select the WRC they wish to visit, date and time for the slot. Please be patient during this time, as we have limited slots available.
Businesses will need to provide the name, address, vehicle registration and contact details for the business and agree to a number of conditions during the booking process i.e. confirming they have the relevant Waste Carrier Licence in place.
Please be aware a WRC operative can and may ask to see evidence of this on site. We have the right to refuse entry to any business not providing proof of a current Waste Carriers Licence. For more information on Waste Carriers Licences is available through Natural Resources Wales.
Each slot will be no longer than 30 minute per vehicle. Please sort all waste and recycling into the different material types before arriving at the site, layout maps are available on the website for each site, so you can dispose of items in the correct containers and keep your visit to within the 30 minutes allowed.
Vehicles should arrive no more than 15 minutes before their booked time slot (to avoid traffic queues on the highway).
10. What happens if I turn up without a slot?
Only households and businesses who have a pre booked slot will be permitted on to site. Anyone who hasn’t booked a slot will be turned away.
11. What if I have booked the wrong slot for my vehicle with/without a trailer?
Users need to ensure they have booked the correct slot or they will not be permitted to enter the site, i.e. a householder with a car and trailer will need to book option 2 if the car has no commercial signage or option 3 if the vehicle has commercial signage.
12. What if there are no slots available for my usual site?
Slots are released on a two-weekly rolling basis. Households and businesses will be able to select which site they wish to visit therefore if your closest site is fully booked look to see if your second closest has a slot available and so on. (Map of Pembrokeshire WRC’s).
If all slots are fully booked due to demand we apologise about this but these restrictions have been put in place to ensure social distancing is adhered to and the sites are operated in a safe manner for staff and users. We are constantly reviewing these procedures to see how the number of slots available can be increased and with a two-weekly rolling booking system more slots will become available.
Please store your waste safely until you are able to visit the Waste and Recycling Centres.
Every household and business in Pembrokeshire has a legal responsibility to dispose of its rubbish in the appropriate manner.
You must not dispose of household or commercial waste in a way that will cause pollution or harm people’s health. This includes burning it - burning household or commercial waste is an offence and liable to prosecution.
Fly-tipping is a crime. Leaving items on the street or in parks, woodlands and fields is fly-tipping. This is a crime and could mean a fixed penalties of £350. If you have your rubbish removed by a third party and it ends up being fly-tipped, you could be held responsible and fined.
Remember if decide to have your waste removed by a commercial waste operator:
13. What vehicles are allowed on site?
A range of vehicles and vehicle with trailers are now allowed on sites, customers select which vehicle type they are bring to site when they book. A vehicle guide for household waste users and commercial users are available via the links below.
14. What show I do if I wish to bring a short-term lease hired van to site?
If you would like to use the WRC with a short-term hired van you will be allowed to dispose of household waste only. In order to arrange this please email to organise the booking.
Provision of a rental agreement and proof of residency will be required on site. The hire agreement must be for 3 days or less.
15. What do I do when I arrive at the WRC?
Please sort all your waste and recycling into the different material types before arriving at the site and pack your vehicle correctly, so you can access these items in the correct order. Maps of the WRCs container order are available online to help keep your visit short and within the allocated timeslot.
Vehicles should arrive no more than 15 minutes before their booked time slot, this is to avoid traffic queues on the highway.
Please display your ID your ID showing your address to match the booking (such as a valid driving licence with correct address/utility bill/council tax bill) in the windscreen for staff to view and verify the booking. For commercial/ business users this will need to relate to the business the slot is booked for. This information is also required by PCC to support the NHS wales, Test, Trace, Protect service in controlling the spread of Covid-19.
Once your booking has been verified you will be directed to proceed to the holding area until it is your turn to enter the disposal area. Please be patient during this time and follow the signage and directions from our staff on site.
16. What do I do whilst on site?
Traffic and pedestrian management procedures are in place and users are asked to follow all instructions outlined by signage and staff.
Strict social distancing rules are in place at all times. Users must observe two-metre social distancing on the site.
Only ONE person may exit the vehicle and access each skip or container at a time to unload the waste and recycling, except in the instance of a bulky and heavy item where TWO people from the same household will be allowed to exit the vehicle at designated points as directed by staff to safety unload the item i.e. white goods, large furniture such as sofas etc. Staff are unable to help unload or carry any items, therefore householders need to ensure that they are able to safely unload items from the vehicle and place them in the correct container.
Each slot will be no longer than the pre-booked 15 or 30 minute slot per vehicle. Please sort all waste and recycling into the different material types before arriving at the site, so you can dispose of items in the correct containers and keep your visit to the time limit allowed.
Remember to wash your hands thoroughly before and after visiting the site and follow usual COVID-19 hygiene guidance.
Please be patient and follow instructions on site. For the benefit and welfare of everyone, any users not following instructions or being abusive to staff will be instructed to leave the site and potentially banned from future use of the WRCs.
17. What waste and recycling items can I bring to site?
The WRCs have opened for essential use only therefore only bring items that can’t be stored safely at home or cannot be collected through your kerbside waste and recycling household or trade waste collection systems,
We are unable to accept tyres at this moment in time, due to the current closure of the recycling off-takers as a result of COVID-19. Please store these items at home safely until this service resumes.
Only ONE person may exit the vehicle to unload the waste and recycling, except in the instance of a bulky/heavy item where TWO people from the same household will be allowed to exit the vehicle at designated points as directed by staff to safety unload the item i.e. white goods, large furniture such as sofas etc. Staff are unable to help unload or carry any items, therefore householders need to ensure that they are able to safely unload items from the vehicle and place them in the correct container.
18. What should I do with my Bulky Household Items?
Bulky waste collections are also restarting, If you have unwanted large household furniture or appliances such as beds, fridges and sofa and are unable to safety store these items at your home, then you can arrange for a bulky household waste collection.
The collection of bulky household items is undertaken on our behalf by Frame, a local charitable organisation.
Requests for this service can be made by completing a Bulky Household Waste Collection Form via 'My Account' your online Council account.
The charge for a collection of household items is £20 for 10 items or less. Please note a 3-piece suite would be classed as 3 items, and a table and 4 chairs would be classed as 5 items. We are currently unable to collect any heavy items, which would require for than 2 people to move i.e. pianos etc.
When requesting this service, please state the items to be collected, as only specified items will be removed. Once we have received your request it will be sent to Frame who will contract the household to arrange the collection, the items will only be collected from outside the property and please do not place these items out for collection until instructed to by FRAME.
19. What is a waste carrier licence?
If you normally and regularly transport waste as part of your own business, you will need to be registered as a waste carrier. Normally and regularly means that it’s part of your usual business, even if you do it infrequently.
A waste carrier is any person who normally and regularly collects, carries or transports waste in the course of their business or with a view to profit. This includes those who receive payment for carrying waste from any source (including domestic) and those that produce and transport their own waste e.g. builders and gardeners.
Registration is a legal requirement and you are committing an offence if you do not register when required.
Commercial/ business users of the WRC’s are reminded they are required to hold the relevant waste carrier licence from Natural Resources Wales in order to transport waste. Please be aware a WRC operative can and may ask to see evidence of this on site. We have the right to refuse entry to any business not providing proof of a current Waste Carriers Licence. For more information on Waste Carrier Licences is available through Natural Resources Wales
20. What charges are in place for Households using the WRC’s?
There are charges associated with the disposal of some materials for household’s above the free of charge allowance, for household waste this includes plasterboard, rubble, fixtures and fittings, wood, animal bedding and ragwort. Commercial users will be charged for all waste except a range of recyclables. Card payment facilities are now available at all sites and no cash or cheque payments will be accepted and payments must be made at the time of disposal. For more information on the charges please visit: What can I take to the Centres?
21. What charges are in place for Commercial/ business users at the WRC’s?
Commercial/ business users will be charged for all waste disposed of at a WRC except a range of recyclables. Card payment facilities are now available at all sites and no cash or cheque payments will be accepted and payments must be made at the time of disposal. For more information on the charges please visit: What can I take to the Centres?
22. How do I change or cancel my booking?
If a household or business wishes to change or cancel a booking this can be done via the link in your confirmation email, by emailing or by phoning the Contact Centre on 01437 764551.
Updated date: Jan 24th 2021
Thanks to you and the changes we made to Recycling Centres, there were few issues with traffic management and safety when reopening our sites. There are still, however, strict guidelines to how Recycling Centres are run to keep local people and staff safe. These can be found in the COVID19 access policy and site rules, sites will close if these rules are not adhered to.
All of our sites are available to book, please click on the site to see what materials and vehicles are accepted at each site. As a rule, if you can’t book it then please don’t bring it. This applies to vehicles and materials. Vans, pickups and trailers are restricted to certain sites see the Vehicle size guidance for details.
Restrictions are in place, please remember:
You must click on the link below to book a slot to visit your nearest HWRC.
A booking system is in place as we need to ensure social distancing at all times across our sites, and make sure that traffic is safely managed.
Seven days bookings are available at a time with a further day released on a rolling daily basis.
By making a booking you are agreeing to the HWRC access policy and site rules.
Cars are able to book to visit a Recycling Centre up to 3 times in 7 days. This is to allow for the occasional house clearances, renovation or seasonal garden waste. Frequent users will be monitored for fair use and waste crime. Regular and frequent householders will be referred to a Recycling Advisor to assess their needs. Suspected commercial or trade users will be banned. Please note that 3 visits per week applies to cars and mobility adapted vehicles only, all other vehicles remain limited to one visit per week.
As with Scottish Government guidance, before making a booking you should consider the following:
The advance bookings slots are initially limited to ensure that Covid-19 regulations can be adhered to and that we are maximising capacity. The system may be adjusted to allow more bookings per day, over a longer time frame, once assessed.
Our systems are being kept under review.
When you make a booking you will be sent a confirmation email that will have a link to manage your booking. You will be able to cancel your booking up to an hour before the time of the booking.
There are a high volume of bookings being made in the system so confirmation emails may not come through immediately.
Please check your spam / junk account as the email may be directed into there the first time you make a booking via the new system.
If you still have not received your booking confirmation 24 hours after making it, please email with your details and staff will check the booking system for you.
Once you have booked your slot please send your contact and booking details (time, date, site and registration) to and we will ensure that onsite staff know and allow your vehicle access.
As trailers can carry larger amounts of waste than most cars and are longer, the recycling centres they can access need to be able to handle these larger volumes of waste and recycling and be able to accommodate the additional vehicle length safely whilst not causing disruption.
Dunfermline, Glenrothes and Pittenweem Recycling Centres can accommodate cars towing trailers as a separate area had been set aside with the 3 most used, bulky materials containers. Landfill, green garden waste and wood. Previous monitoring and analysis of trailer use on sites shows that residents use these infrequently for occasional bulky or excess waste. We therefore do not anticipate a high volume of waste to cause transportation issues at these sites.
Unlike vans, trailers are not a sole vehicle for a household and not as frequently used.
Previous monitoring and analysis of trailers using Recycling Centres (via the household waste declaration form) showed that the main materials brought were occasional bulky and excess garden waste and material from house clearances/renovations. Therefore, the materials accepted initially will be landfill, green garden waste and wood, with soil & rubble containers remaining at Dunfermline and Ladybank only.
As vans and pickups can carry larger amounts of waste than most cars, the recycling centres they can access need to be able to handle these larger volumes of waste and recycling. Containers will fill up quicker so more resources (vehicles and time) will be needed to move and transport the contents offsite to disposal and reprocessing facilities.
Servicing (emptying and moving full containers) at the recycling centres continues to be challenging with a reduced level of staff available because of Covid-19. Dunfermline and Ladybank recycling centres are located on resource recovery sites where a lot of the waste and recycling in Fife are taken to for disposal, bulking and sorting. As such, at present these are the only recycling centres that can handle the expected increase in the amount of material being brought in by vans and pickups as transportation is not an issue.
If you have a hire van and can’t book because the reg has already been used, please email with your preferred date and time of booking, site, reg, name, address and materials. Or book with your car registration and let us know when you have the hire van reg for us to edit your booking. Please remember that vans are permitted at Dunfermline and Ladybank only and there are size restrictions.
We know residents without internet will not see this but some of you have been emailing in to enquire. Unfortunately, the booking system will only be available online. If you know of someone who does not have internet, we are asking Fifers to see if a family member, friend or neighbour can help them book a slot via the online system.
If booking for someone else, make sure you use their contact details and registration plate and let us know they won’t have a copy of the booking by emailing Thanks for your help whilst we’re operating differently.